"Aqua Buddha"

"Aqua Buddha"
Not just another stoner's dream

Friday, December 26, 2008

Day 1

What is waking up in a house full of junkies called?

A headache. And that is exactly what Josua was experiencing late that Monday morning. Having been rudely woken up by the sound of a guitar playing out of tune.and the high pitched shrill of moans. This is just one of th things you have to start appreciating when living with an experimental musician. And a smashed coo-coo person.

Lucky dog…that Charlie, he thought. Somehow always managing to get a subject for his experiments and but always with an extra topping. Josua sometimes wished that his life could be half as exciting as Noises. Stretching out on the bed, he suddenly froze, he could feel his palms touch something warm. Like a woman’s naked body. Woman?? Here?? How??.....uuuuggggg.....not again.

Moving very slowly he reached out to his side and started removing the sheet. A Redhead…hmmm…wholesome body....good. A little lower…nice back…smooth skin…smells good too…uh….oh……What’s this?? A tattoo…seems familiar. No can’t be. Can it?? But how?? She never seemed to be interested.

After spending a while trying to move the cobwebs from his head, he gave up. It was then that it all came back. Like a rude blast from the past. The ladies had had quite a busy night and wanted to celebrate. Which brought them right back to Aqua Buddha the night club. After that everything turned to a haze. A mist that was made up of coke, acid and lot of pot.

As all these thoughts ran at random through his head, Josua slowly stumbled into the dining room. Still trying to put various pieces of the puzzle together. To his surprise he found The Monk, Spike and Edy deep in conversation as they sat sipping steaming hot coffee out of rather huge mugs. But guess this is exactly what was required to wake them up.

As Josua stepped into the room all went quiet. Finally the Monk enquired. "So how was last night? Was it as hot in your room as it was on the dance floor?". Josua froze "What?" On the dance floor! Cannot be...no way! But one look at the others faces told him otherwise. Serious? And she had played along? Thats good. A start of something...maybe? Finally things were changing. Should i pop the question? Naaaah...it's too early to jump into clonclusions....his mind speeding off in different directions. But he dare not say a word.

His thoughts were cut rather short when he heard his name being called by the Monk. "JOSUA???!!!". "Oh...yes, sorry i was just thinking about something."

Edy "Sure. Now u'd have a lot of things to think about. Specially since you offered to give those Russian guys a ride around town tonight for a block of coke."

Josua could not believe what he had just heard. Huh???...Ride???...The Russians?? Along with a bunch of loud mouthed strippers?? In one car??? And who's gonna do the talking...with Mimi ofcourse. That was surely something to spend his time brooding upon.

Just then Noise strolled into the dining room wearing nothing but a towel that was loosely wrapped around the waist and a big spliff hanging out the corner of his mouth. He giggled as his eyes caught Josua.

Noise... "That was quite a show last night bro! If it hadnt been for your 'down and under' moves last night could have been quite boring for me. But thanks to you. I got my subject. And next time, don't giggle like a baby when someone is snorting coke off your chest."

The Monk "Cut it out. Let him be. I got bigger things to worry about"

With all of the four settled around the table. the Monk continued...

"Josua, you invited the Russians for a drive around the city and also struck a deal for 1 kilo of coke. So, what's your plan?" After Josua was done shrugging his shoulders and Noise passed on the spliff to the Monk, he continued "People, I want those Russians spending money in my club and not on a sight seeing trip. How you do it is upto you guys."

With one spliff over. Another was rolled. And as the smoke filled their heads the day seemed to change colour to look a lot more vibrant. And their spirits did rise.

As Mimi and the brunette from Noise's room made their way into the dining room.


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